I'm not a geek, just a Technophile!

But for real, I'm an ICT Consultant to others’ business problems.
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Life is replete with variables and to a lesser but equally significant extent, constants. As I move throughout life’s stages, the pursuit to learn and do new things remains such a constant; it has always been ranked among the top three values I hold dearly.
I'm currently experimenting with life as a happy IT freelancer in Grenada. I pitch myself as a consultant to others’ business problems, using my work as a valuable tool to accomplish whatever’s needed. I must say at first I’d a greater passion for natural Science and fast cars. The transition to IT transpired during the development of MATRITECH, an award winning project for a Science, Technology and Mathematics fair in 2010-2011. That motivated me to pursue an associate degree in IT, after which I started professional development in 2013. I enjoy partnering with NGO’s and private businesses to develop web applications and eLearning projects in Grenada. I’ve bigger hopes and higher aspirations for this profession of mine. One of the many items on my bucket list is to be a driving force for modern interactive learning in Grenada.

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